Trump's 2024 Veepstakes Have Begun: A Look at His Top Choices for Running Mate


There have been a number of suggested vice presidential candidates, but it's unclear who officially made Donald Trump's shortlist. These are the most plausible Republicans he is thinking of as he considers his ideal ticket.

1.Donald Trump

Even before securing his party's presidential candidacy, Donald Trump is already planning for November 2024 in his pursuit of the 2024 presidential nomination.

Even though Trump claimed in January that he already knew who he wanted to be vice president, there is still room for change, and as his strongest supporters continue to campaign for him in crucial primary states, they are currently being evaluated for the position.

Should Trump emerge as the Republican nominee, his running mate may be crucial in swaying certain demographics in his favor: Loyalty, race, gender, and location will probably affect his choice in the end. Additionally, Trump told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo, "It has to be who would [be] able to be a good president." "You know, in a civil emergency, things happen, so you have to always keep that in mind. Whatever your identity, life happens."

The advantages and disadvantages of each of the 12 exceptional Republicans who might make Trump's short list for vice president are listed below.

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