Top 5 Reasons to Become a Blog Writer



Have you ever thought of becoming a writer?

The list is not absolute, but it is certainly correct. Writing has historically been such an excellent way to express feelings, thoughts and some of the greatest human imaginations.

The internet has served us in so many ways… especially in the past decade. It has given us all the opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts with strangers, neighbors, foreigners and anyone who ends up finding what we have written down.

Below is a list of my personal reasons for aspiring to become a success blog writer:

1. You get to talk even when no one is listening

This is the best part about writing and similar to the reason I love songwriting as well (although songwriting has more of a secret code to it).

Blog writing is awesome because you can share information without anyone interrupting you, you can erase and re-think things before posting, and you can choose any topic you desire.

You don’t need permission to give your opinion and you can use this outlet to benefit those who are willing to listen to what you have to share.

2. You get to conduct research projects to become more mindful and knowledgeable

No one wants to be that guy who shows up like he has a lot to offer but really isn’t sh*t.

Blog writing forces you to do your research before running the risk of spreading misinformation.

In the end, you can internalize insight from other writers and speakers that will make you more well-rounded as a writer, and more importantly, as a person.

3. The potential for income

It’s been a dream of mine for some time to make a living off my writing. When I study my predecessors and fellow writers, I see that there really is a great potential to earn.

You can:

  • make passive income from running ads on your personal website
  • earn money on a social media platform like
  • gain copywriting clients of your own
  • get paid to write about other people’s products (affiliate marketing)
  • properly promote your very own company and products

Of course, you are not limited to these options. You can choose the path you go based on the content you want to write.

Money almost always does come back to sales, though. Whether your own or someone else’s.

4. Sharpening your eloquence

Blog writing helps expand your vocabulary by forcing you to look for new ways to say things, read other content and gain new perspective. All of these things translate into your personal life as you embody a way of being.

It forces you to self-reflect, spell words correctly and study grammar.

Time to up your own personal standards, my kings and queens 👑

5. Building a community

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, blog writing helps build a community of people who can pingpong off of each other’s ideas and thought processes. It helps you connect with “your people”.

This will surely give you a sense of purpose and belonging… both necessary for being the best version of your human self.



Previously posted on my main website: UWANTNEWSINFO.BLOGSPOT.COM


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